Hey everybody! Hope you had a great weekend and holiday, and are ready to get back to it this week!On Monday, we start off our 8-week front squat building cycle by finding our 5RM front squat. Then we have "Ryu" with rowing, deadlifts, and wall balls (everyone's favorite!!).Tuesday begins with some overhead volume in the form of a push press strength piece. After that, we'll go into "Chun-Li", 4 rounds of chest-to-bar pull-ups, shoulder to overhead, toes-to-bar, and air bike.Wednesday we have a nasty little weightlifting complex with power snatch + hang squat snatch + 2 overhead squats followed by "Guile", a 12min AMRAP of power snatch, bar facing burpees, and overhead squat. Wow, another one packed with favorites!! Get ready for spicy lungs, if ya know what I mean.We're slowing it down a bit on Thursday with a lovely 28min AMRAP of running, wall walks, dubz, and farmers carry. Okay, not that slow guys...On Friday, we'll start off with a classic 4x10 back squat focusing on building squat volume. And booty volume. Then we'll be challenging both skill and stamina with a 14min AMRAP of rowing, ring muscle-ups, and thrusters.Finally, on Saturday, we end the week with a fun partner sprint-style workout with GHD sit-ups, power cleans, and box jump overs.Let's get out there and crush it this week!“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” - George Eliot