Hey y’all!
Let’s see what PRVN has got for us this week!
Monday, we have “Andrew Jackson” which is a spicy AMRAP containing burpee box jump overs, ring muscle ups, and power cleans.
Tuesday, we have a girl WOD! Yay! Her name is Nancy and she will be bringing on the overhead squats and all the running!
Wednesday, make sure you pick up all that “Loose Change” because you’ll be needing it when we take on an ascending rep scheme of heavy deadlifts and toes to bar… oh, and we’ll also throw in some handstand holds into the mix.
Thursday, keep an eye out for the “Bank Roll” as we go through a few rounds of strict pull ups, renegade rows, and wall balls.
Friday, watch out for the “Benjamins!” This chipper will have rowing, dubs, DB push presses, the bike, and a little surprise at the end… Think of the worst DB crossfit movement out there… you’ll be doing 10 of those! (Guess in the comments.)
Finally Saturday, pick a partner to tackle Hero WOD “Coffey.” Make sure your buddy is ready for some running, back squatting, bench pressing, and ONE ring muscle up. It’s gonna be a ton of fun!
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.”— Steve Jobs