Weekly WOD Overview for July 19th through July 24th, 2021

May 19, 2022
Weekly WOD Overview for July 19th through July 24th, 2021

Hey, hey, hey!Weekly WoD Time!On Monday we’ve got “Schmidt Happens.” That’s 3 sets of bike calories, wall balls, and squat cleans. On Tuesday it’s “True American.” We’re doing light power snatches and bar-facing burpees. There’s built-in rest so you know what that means. Work hard, rest hard. On Wednesday we have “Prank Sinatra.” This one is a 16-minute EMOM with strict handstand push-ups, GHD sit-ups, row calories, and rest. Thursday it’s gonna be “Cooler.” This one is 3 rounds for time of dubz, heavy kettlebell swings, and running. On Friday we have “Background Check.” This EMOM has chest-to-bar pull-ups and thrusters. We’ll add one thruster each minute until failure. Saturday we have another partner workout. “The Real Winston” is a 20-minute AMRAP. One partner accumulates bike calories while the other partner chips away at box jumps, med ball cleans, and push-ups. That’s the week. Let’s do this.“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” -- Anaïs Nin

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