Weekly WOD Overview for July 27th Through 31st, 2020

May 19, 2022
Weekly WOD Overview for July 27th Through 31st, 2020

Thank you to everyone who participated in our annual “Erin” work out near and far! It once again was a fun work out that served its purpose, and a reminder to LIVE in the moment. To not take things for granted and to be grateful for what we have now, regardless of the circumstances. Remember to live life, don’t wait, move your body, feed your body, feed your soul, have fun and be a good human! Get ready for this week of fitness… Monday comes at us in a “Not So PC” way. Look for building to a heavy 5-3-1 power clean weightlifting session while working to receive the bar lower than you are used to. On Tuesday grab your spurs for the “Rodeo”. In this workout look to work on double unders, barbell front rack holds and weighted pistols. Wednesday we’ll bring in the “Concrete Mixer” to mix and pour for time 3 sets of 3 rounds of deadlifts and burpees. Then for Thursday get ready for a chipper of wallballs, shoulder to overheads and strict ring dips building those bold “Shoulder Balls”. Get your “Sea Legs” ready on Friday for 3 separate work rest sets of decreasing distance max effort rowing and max reps of front squats. Finally, on Saturday we will all be a “Social Distance Warrior” with this partner esque work rest workout. We will still be able to keep our distance while getting fit with running, heavyish kettlebell swings, kettlebell good mornings and med ball situps with throw to wall.Consistency Beats TalentConsistency Beats Good IntentionsConsistency Beats LuckConsistency Even Beats Quality

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