Weekly WOD Overview for June 28th through July 3rd, 2021

May 19, 2022
Weekly WOD Overview for June 28th through July 3rd, 2021

Friendly reminder, the 6:45 am class has now been moved to 6:30 am. Please, be on time. Here’s the week.Monday we max out clean & jerk. Then, we have “Halo.” It’s a quick little couplet of clean & jerks and toes-to-bar. On Tuesday, we’ll find a 1rm overhead press. Then, we hit a 2000m row benchmark. Wednesday, we’ll take time to hit a heavy snatch single. Then, it’s another benchmark. This time it’s “Amanda.” That’s ring muscle-ups and snatches. Thursday is back squat day, baby! We’ll find a 1rm and then tackle “Goldeneye.” This one is air squats, deadlifts, and bike calories. Finally, Friday. We’ll max out on bench press then it’s time for, “DOOM.” This is a 9-minute AMRAP of dubz, GHD sit-ups, pull-ups, and HSPU. On Saturday, we have another hero workout. This one is not designed for partners, but as always, if that’s what works best for you, we support that. This is “Whitten.” It is 5 rounds of kettlebell swings, box jumps, 400m runs, burpees, and wall ball shots. “True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.” -- Helen Keller

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