Weekly WOD Overview for October 5th through October 10th, 2020

May 19, 2022
Weekly WOD Overview for October 5th through October 10th, 2020

Hello, you lovely people! We’ve got another great week of fitnessing planned for you.As many of you know, this month’s project is Project Running. Keep those running shoes in your gym bag, you’re going to need them. Monday we’re getting right to it with “Legs on Fire!”. This’ll be a nasty little triplet featuring deadlifts, hang power cleans, and everyone’s favorite machine, The Assault bike. Prepare to be assaulted. Tuesday will be a good “Mind Eff” as we test the king of all strength exercises, the back squat. We’ll be building up to a heavy single. Next, on Wednesday, we have a 4 round EMOM workout called, “Time Machine”. The clock will be our overlord as we’re running, dipping, kettlebell swinging, and resting in each round. You know what prescribed rest means, right?! Go harder than you want to. This takes us to Thursday where “Froggy” will test our abilities in a very unique combination of movements, The split jerk and weighted strict pull-ups. This 12 minute AMRAP will be short but will get out-of-hand very quickly. Friday will be a beautiful day featuring the workout, “Belle”. Belle as in Dum-Belle. Your legs and midline will be taxed in this 4 round for time effort as you step-up, squat, heel tap, and carry your way to victory. Saturday, would you just hurry up and get here already?! “Apúrale!” will be a fun-filled (and expletive-filled) 5 round partner workout with rowing, snatches, and burpees.“For in everything that we do the body is useful; and in all uses of the body it is of great importance to be in as high a state of physical fitness as possible.” -- Socrates

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