Weekly WOD Overview for September 21st through 26th, 2020

May 19, 2022
Weekly WOD Overview for September 21st through 26th, 2020

Happy Monday everyone :) look forward to kicking this week off with a 3-round couplet of Double-unders and Toes through Rings which is definitely not a “Typo”. On Tuesday “Meet Me At The Bar” comes in as a moderately heavy weightlifting only metcon consisting of clusters and hang power snatches. Wednesday we want everyone to “Come Again”. This every 5 minute couplet will have you running away and coming back three times to complete walking lunges, knees to elbows, box jump overs and rowing into bar muscle ups. Thursday’s House of Pain will make you get out your seat and “Jump Around” with a longer AMRAP performing single arm farmers carries, overhead squats, lateral barbell jump overs and back squats. Rounding the corner of the week on Friday, we will “Try My Bye” working through some strength movements of bent over barbell rows and ring dips. Finishing the week off on Saturday we invited “Nasty Nancy” over for a session of running, overhead squats and bar facing burpees.“Fight for the things that you care about, but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”--Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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