Weekly WOD Overview for January 4th through January 9th, 2021

May 19, 2022
Weekly WOD Overview for January 4th through January 9th, 2021

Happy 2021, beauties! The first full week of the year is here and we’ve got all the fitness for you.Where my “Handstand Party” people at?! Monday’s workout is what we’ve been training for! We’ll be accumulating as many meters as possible walking on our hands. We’ll break it up with some 100m runs. Tuesday is “Dia de los Deadlifts.” We’ll be doing 5 sets of 5 reps of heavy dedz. Gonna get swole. On Wednesday we have a benchmark workout called, “The Chief.” It’s a sprint-style workout with power cleans, push-ups, and air squats. Hold on cuz it gets out of hand fast. On Thursday we’ve got “Call of Booty.” It’s 5 rounds of heavy back-rack reverse lunges and high box jumps. On Friday we’re taking you back to school with “Core Curriculum.” This is 40-30-20-10 of sit-ups, KB swings, and stationary lateral step-ups. Ask us how you can get extra credit on this one if you’re interested. Saturday... I’m already a bit nervous about Saturday. We’re going to tackle the CrossFit Open workout 19.5. ::GASP:: It is 33-27-21-15-9 of thrusters and chest-to-bar pull-ups. Just writing that makes me feverish. Can’t wait!That’s it. See you swell sweethearts soon!“Accept yourself as you are. Otherwise, you will never see opportunity. You will not feel free to move toward it; you will feel you are not deserving..” -- Maxwell Maltz

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