Weekly WOD Overview for July 20th Through 25th, 2020

May 19, 2022
Weekly WOD Overview for July 20th Through 25th, 2020

Starting the week off in a “WRONG STRONG” kind of way, Monday’s workout is a 12 minute AMRAP with overhead squats and bar facing burpees that has a 100 dubz buy-in. Tuesday we see another hero WOD this month called “Yeti”. Look to get a longer run in, sandwiched between pullups and ring muscle-ups on both sides of the run. Wednesday’s strength day has split squats working to a heavy 4 for each leg with “BOOTY BOOTY” booty, booty, rockin' everywhere. On Thursday the shit gets real with “Heavy Grace”. We will use a heavier load to complete the first part of 30 clean & jerks then rest five minutes and complete it again at the normal weight. For Friday, look for some “MBL” med ball love to work through higher box jumps, v-ups with med ball and jumping lunges with med ball. Saturday is our “LIFTING WRIGHT” event that is a Memorial WOD for two of our members' sisters, Erin. This workout was created to raise awareness and funds for MD Anderson Cancer Center. “Erin” was created for any skill or fitness level.“Shallow people believe in luck and circumstance. Strong people believe in cause and effect” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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