Weekly WOD Overview for September 8th through 12th, 2020

May 19, 2022
Weekly WOD Overview for September 8th through 12th, 2020

Hope everyone had a refreshingly long Labor Day weekend with family and friends while we were closed. Let’s get the rest of the week’s fitness started :) with a “Bend It” kind of strength day for Tuesday. Look to find a heavy load for one hang squat snatch plus one overhead squat complex. On Wednesday call on the life guards so we don’t “Drown” with a 12 minute AMRAP of 35 dubz and 200 meter heavier KB front rack carry. Then after that AMRAP look to cash out with a 750 meter row to complete this day. Thursday’s taking it back with one of the OG CrossFit’s benchmark workouts called “Fran” putting to the test 21-15-9 of thrusters and pullups. Pack the car for a “Road Trip” on Friday with a kettlebell swing, running and double unders for 5 trips around the gym. For Saturday, call on your partner to help complete “Always Remembered” in a teams of two workout for the September 11th, 2001 anneversary. This workout starts with a 2,001 meter row buy in then 4 rounds of 9 rope climbs and 11 bear complexes then a 2,977 meter row cash out. Look to split up the work any way you see fit.“Look for possibilities and progress. Don’t compare and justify.”--Alicia Enciso

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