Weekly WOD Overview for February 15th through February 20th, 2021

May 19, 2022
Weekly WOD Overview for February 15th through February 20th, 2021

What a wonderful time of the week. WoD Time! Keep your eyes and ears open. We are going to be holding a gymnastics fundamentals class on February 27th. We will fill you in this week with more details. Let’s fine-tune some gymnastics movements before the Open.Speaking of the Open. We will announce the teams soon.Here’s the week…Monday we have “Quick and Tired.” It’s an AMRAP 5 with burpees over the bar and front squats. It’ll be over before you even know it. Tuesday will definitely discombobulate you. “¿uʍoᗡ ǝpısd∩“ will have you overhead squattin’, hang power cleanin’, and handstand push-uppin’. On Wednesday it’s “Dirty Dozens.” This one has a bit of everything… toes-to-bar, knees-to-elbows, MB lunges, MB overhead lunges, a strange K2E and TTB combination, and… somethings else… oh yeah, Assault bike! Thursday we’ve got “Split Jerk: Part One” and “Split Jerk: Part Deux.” We’ll be deux-in’ deux different EMOM style workouts. On Friday we have, “Under Farmer.” It’s 3 rounds of dubz, single-arm farmers carries, and high box jumps. On Saturday we will tackle one of the best-known CrossFit benchmark workouts. It’s “Cindy.” “Cindy” is a 20-minute AMRAP of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats. “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.” -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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